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Showing posts from April, 2021


Every successful bodybuilder or a physique athlete was once a beginner with little to no knowledge about bodybuilding. But with their dedication and hard work they stood up to be different from the rest and now they are a huge motivation to each and every one in this industry. With that being said today I will show some basic beginner's workout plan to help those new comers who will someday represent the Bodybuilding Industry. Before starting we need to have a summary about the course duration, course time, equipments needed, etc. WORKOUT SUMMARY: 1. Main Goal:                                           To Build Muscles. 2. Workout Type:                                     Split. 3. Training Level:                         ...


Biceps are one of the most demanded part in our body which everyone wants to grow big and explosive so that they look more stronger and more handsome than others. Today I will tell you about 5 most useful bicep workout which will surely add an impression to your arms. 1 . Incline Bench Dumbbell Curl. This is one of the most effective workout I am personally doing from 4 years and receiving amazing results. The main focus of these workout is to concentrate on the peak muscle or the Bicep Brachii (Short Head). This is a concentric movement workout which helps to squeeze the short head thereby increasing breaking down most of the muscle fibers. SET: 3 sets of 15,12 and 10 repetitions. 2. Hammer Curl.                                                                                    ...