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 Shoulder Muscles are those muscles which will give you that proper wide upper body you have always dreamed of. Working on shoulder muscles is basically an easy job but without weights it became difficult to perform all the workouts. That's why today I am going to tell you different shoulder workouts you can perform at home easily which will engage all your shoulder muscles simultaneously.

So, let's get started.

First we need to know the anatomy of our shoulders.

Our shoulders are primarily made up of:

1. Deltoid: Posterior Fibres.

2. Deltoid: Anterior Fibres.

3. Deltoid: Lateral Fibres.

There are various home workouts to perform but I will mention only the most effective ones.

So, the First workout we are going to perform is:

1. Push Back Push Ups: This workout targets the front and upper delts at the same time. This can also be a great cardiovascular workout. To start, make a push-up pose. Now, perform a push-up and at the same time push yourself back keeping your arms straight. Inhale as you go down and Exhale as you came up.

SET: 3 Sets of 12, 10 and 8 Repetitions.

The Second workout we are going to perform is:

2.Plank to Down Dog: This exercise targets the upper and rear deltoids at the same time.To start, make a plank pose with your arms straight. Now, move back keeping yourself straight and your head below your naval. Hold both the positions for about five seconds. While in the plank pose slowly exhale and during the down dog slowly inhale.

SET: 3 Sets of 12, 10 and 8 Repetitions.

Third workout we are going to perform is:

3. Pike Push Ups: This is similar to the ' Plank to Down Dog' but this is only push-up targeted for the front delts. To start, stay in that downward dog position as shown in the last workout. Now, keep your elbows close to your sides and lower yourself in a push-up way. Slightly, touch the ground then push back up. Remember to keep your core tight during the entire movement. While going down inhale slowly and exhale slowly while coming up. 

SET: 3 Sets of 10, 8 and 6 Repetitions.

Fourth we are going to perform is:

4. Wall Walk Up: This workout targets all the deltoids muscles simultaneously. To start, make yourself in a push-up position with your feet towards a wall. Now, slowly back up placing the feet higher and higher until you are in a hand stand position. Again, crawl forward in a push-up pose. While leaning forward inhale slowly and while moving backward exhale slowly.

SET: 3 Sets of 12, 10 and 8 Repetitions.

Fifth workout we are going to perform is:

5. Bridge Push-up: Targets mainly the upper deltoids. It is a very effective body-weight workout for the core muscles also. To start, lie on the floor facing up with knees bent. Now, place your hands next to your ears, with the fingers pointing towards heels. Push your hips up as higher as possible then arch your back and press hands into the floor to lift into Wheel Pose. While going down inhale slowly and while coming up exhale slowly.

SET: 3 Sets of 12, 10 and 8 Repetitions.

Sixth workout we are going to perform is:

6. Arm Circles: This is a great workout for our overall deltoids. This workout targets on the Posterior, Anterior and Lateral muscles at the same time. To start, stand straight with your feet wide apart and your hands extended out on either side. Now, start making a circle with both arms straight on your side. Move both the arms simultaneously in the same direction. As you increase your repetitions, slowly increase in the size of the circle. Repeat the same thing in the opposite direction as well. Keep your breathing normal.

SET: 3 Set of 12 Repetitions.

 Seventh workout we are going to perform is:

7. Towel Front Raises: This workout targets the Anterior Deltoid muscles. This is a very effective workout for our front delts. You just only need a towel to perform this workout. To start, take your towel and roll it into a cylindrical form and grab both ends with your shoulders wide apart. Extend your arms. Now, slowly raise your towel until it is in front of you and your arms parallel to the ground. Release and lower your arms to complete one repetition. Inhale when you go down, Exhale when you come up.

SET: 3 Sets of 10 Repetitions.

Eight workout we are going to perform is :

8. Bottle Lateral Raises: This workout focuses on the lateral deltoid and upper tarps mainly. This workout basically requires two water bottles. The weight of the bottles can be adjusted by filling the necessary amount of water. To start, stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart. Now, hold one bottle in each hand. Slightly bent your elbows and lift your arms in a lateral way. When on the top, hold your position for about five seconds. then slowly come down. Inhale while you come down and Exhale while you go up.

SET: 3 Sets of 12, 10 and 10 Repetitions.

Ninth we are going to perform is:

9. Plank Raise Tap Crunch: This workout is designed to focus mainly on the front and side deltoids. This workout is similar to side and front raises super-set. To start, make a push-up pose with your arms shoulder width apart. Now, slowly raise one arm to the front while keeping the other arm steady on the floor. Lower your arm but do not touch the ground. Raise your arm sideways. Repeat this for the other arm also keeping the first arm steady. Difficulty of this workout increases with number of repetitions. Inhale while your arm is moving downwards and exhale while your arm is going up.

SET: 3 Set of 12 Repetitions.

Last but not the least we are going to perform is:

10. Bottle Shrugs: Shoulder workout without shrugs is incomplete. Shrugs is a very effective workout to train your traps. To start, take two water bottles fully filled. Now, stand straight with one bottle in each hand. Keeping your arms straight slowly squeeze your traps and hold it for about five seconds. Slowly release and bring to arms to normal. Try to take two litres water bottles as this workout requires heavy weights. Inhale while you go down and exhale while you come up. 

SET: 3 Sets of 12, 10 and 10 Repetitions.

All the workouts I have mentioned, I have performed personally and got amazing results. I have performing this workout from four years and I will suggest all of you to give this workout a try. If any thing I have mentioned is not correct feel free to contact me in the ' Contact Us' form. I will surely try to recover my mistakes from the next blog onwards. And don't forget to follow me on my website for more awesome content. 





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